Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Duel of Ajax and Hektor and the Embassy to Achilles

With my absence, the next best fighter for the Greeks is Ajax. The Trojans best fighter is Hektor. These two meet in a duel at this point in the war. At first our chances may have seemed bleak with nobody volunteering to accept Hektor’s challenge. Ajax appeared to have the advantage however the duel is retired due to nightfall and each side retreated to their camps. The next day was allowed for each army to retrieve their dead bodies off the battlefield. The Greeks build a wall around their ships for protection, which worries Zeus so he says it will be destroyed after the city is sacked. Is he already foretelling that Troy is doomed and the Greeks will ultimately be victorious? The Gods are once again not permitted to enter battle by Zeus and the war rages on without them. The Trojans this time take the advantage and drive the Greeks all the way back to the ships, still without myself, Achilles, helping the Greeks. Night prevents the Trojans from breaking the wall but they camp out on the plains planning to attack at dawn. During this reprieve Agamemnon finally admits he needs my help and sends an embassy for me.
The embassy was led by Odysseus, Ajax, and Phoenix. They find me playing my lyre and singing songs by my camp. Each had their turn to persuade me to return back into the battle. First was Odysseus. He starts by telling me of their dire need of help to keep the Trojans from our ships. Last he tells me of Agamemnon’s bribe consisting of the return of Briseis, whom he swears to have not touched. Respectfully I decline. Second was Phoenix making his speech, telling me the story of Meleagros. Once again I decline, although moved by his impassioned effort. The third speech was made by Ajax, suggesting I’ve not lived by societal norms and values, essentially abandoning my brothers because of a dispute with Agamemnon over a slave girl. For a third time I declined them and decided not to return to battle. If the Trojans were to reach the Greek ships and set them on fire then I would reenter, but until then I will not fight for Agamemnon. The three heroes of the embassy leave and go back to Agamemnon empty handed and fight on with me once more.

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