Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Conflict Between the Gods and Ajax vs. Hektor Part Two

Zeus has left the battle at this point. This opens the door for Poseidon to take charge and enter on the side of the Greeks. In attempt to be not so obvious, he affects the battle in small ways, such as holding a Trojan still while a Greek is shooting an arrow or protecting bodies of slain Greek warriors so they can be rescued. Poseidon feels he’s an equal to Zeus, but Zeus thinks he’s superior in terms of power and authority over the rest of the Olympian Gods. This mirrors the quarrel Agamemnon and myself are having on Earth. Meanwhile on the battlefield, while most of the main heroes are wounded, several minor figures take central stage. Idomeneus, an older hero, has his aristeia begin now. Hektor finally listens to the advice of Polydamas though and the Trojans prepared to retreat. A couple of the Gods had son’s perish in this battle. Poseidon’s son Amphimachos and Ares son Askalaphos each died. Back at the Greek camp, the wounded leaders meet with Nestor to discuss the next move. Once again Agamemnon proposes to flee by ship and leave Troy. Also once again Odysseus shoots down the proposal with Diomedes re-proposing that they all fight while wounded, which is accepted. Poseidon, who is sided with the Greeks, motivates Agamemnon and the rest of the Greeks. Hera is consistently trying to keep Zeus out of the action and seduces him in bed. Afterwards he falls asleep allowing Poseidon to stay in battle with the Greeks a while longer. Upon awakening, Zeus notices what has happened to him and attempts to fix all the “damage” that has been done to his plan. Iris is sent to Zeus to tell him to leave the battle, in which he reluctantly obeys, perhaps signifying Zeus is his superior. Apollo is sent to encourage Hektor and discourage the Greeks. The Trojans once again have the tide of battle turn in their favor as Hektor breaks the wall and reaches the Greek ships. I promised to return to battle if the Trojans set the Greek ships ablaze, so maybe that point is fast approaching for me.
Hektor and Ajax have round two between themselves. Again it’s somewhat of a stalemate, with Ajax gaining a slight advantage. Ajax was able to wound Hektor with a rock but he was ultimately rescued. Remember that Hektor is the best the Trojans have to offer, whilst I’m the greatest the Greeks and Ajax is the number two. Therefore if the Greek number two is better than the Trojan number one, Hektor would be no match for me should I ever meet him in a duel.

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