Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Duel between Achilles and Hektor

After Apollo disguised as a Trojan to trick me into allowing the Trojan forces to move inside the walls of Troy, Hektor remained outside anticipating a duel between the two of us. As I moved closer he was overcome with fear and fled while I chased closely behind. Hektor was supposed to be an invincible defender of Troy and here he is panicking like a coward and running away, practically abandoning his city and people. Athena, disguised as Hektor’s brother Deiphobus, convinces him to stop running away and fight me. Hektor, almost as if he knew his time had come up, pleas with me to have the loser of the duel’s body taken care of correctly, I decline and attack. The major duel between the greatest fighters between each country has finally arrived. The result is me killing Hektor, the best of the Trojans. Also I proceeded to drag his body around for all to see. Even if this was wrong of me, it felt so right after he killed my best friend Patroklos. Meanwhile the Trojans mourn their loss.
Since my mission was accomplished I was finally able to feast upon returning to camp. Ceremonies were held for Patroklos, who also appeared to me in my dreams that night. He wishes that our ashes be buried together upon my own death. I sacrifice the twelve Trojans and light the pyre, collect his bones for burial, and begin the funeral games in his honor. Among the contests are chariot games, boxing, wrestling, foot race, arms, shot put, and archery. The Gods meanwhile are deciding what to do about my disrespecting of Hektor’s body. Apollo continues to protect it but it is still in my possession. Zeus sends Thetis to me and she convinces me to give up the dead body. Priam actually asks in person for his son’s body back. I also agree to have the Greeks give the Trojans twelve days for a funeral in honor of Hektor. Last comes the mourning over Hektor by several Trojans close to Hektor, including Andromache and her lament of her son growing up fatherless, Hecabe saying Hektor was her favorite son, and Helen for treating her hospitably when others weren’t keen about her and indirectly starting a war between the two armies.   

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